Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fear, Loathing and Mayonnaise in the 2020 Democratic Party Nomination Contest

Editor's note: this article originally appeared as a lengthy thread posted during November 21st, 2019 on my Mastodon account - there may be a few reference links I didn't feature here, that appear at the bottom of that thread if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Over the past few months, I've extensively covered the US corporate "liberal" media's clear attempts to influence the outcome of the 2020 Democratic Party nomination process in excruciating detail.

From NY Times smears designed to make the Sanders campaign look like a sexual harassment factory, to endless hours of coverage defending Palooka Joe Biden's racist babbling and on through the nonexistent coverage of a bigoted Liz Warren surrogate, a clear pattern of anti-Bernie bias has emerged. While this bias often expresses itself it many different and subtle forms, I think at this point it's safe to say that the pattern has been clearly demonstrated and the American corporate media is openly (and increasingly frantically) trying to influence the 2020 Democratic Party nomination contest against Sanders - and in favor of candidates who are perceived by the liberal establishment as capable of beating Sanders. 

Clearly the machine is no longer sure that Joe Biden is such a candidate either.

This brings us to the “liberal” corporate media coverage surrounding an unlikely rise in the “First in the Nation” state polls of neoliberal candidate-like substance Pete Buttigieg; who will hereafter referred to in this space as Dollar Store Macron, or Mayo Pete - as befits his soulless, plastic & relentlessly focus-tested politics. To note that Mayo Pete has become the mainstream liberal establishment's latest "Great White Hope" is both not a metaphor and indicative of their open desperation.

If at this point you are still blissfully unaware of who Dollar Store Macron is, or precisely why I would describe his politics as "plastic and soulless" I'd encourage you to take a moment to stop and read this excellent profile of Mayo Pete by Nathan J Robinson over at Current Affairs - a piece recommended by  Noam Chomsky himself:

All About Pete

To learn more about the super villain factory Mayo Pete used to work for, a corporation called McKinsey & Company; check out this article by an anonymous former employee of the company, also published at Current Affairs: 

McKinsey & Company: Capital’s Willing Executioners

Finally, if you're still on the fence about whether or not Dollar Store Macron is an objectively terrible candidate for both the nomination and the office of POTUS, please read this extremely detailed and well sourced Twitter thread by user @niktaylorde for more information:

Why You Shouldn't Vote For Pete Buttigieg - A Thread

In other words, Pete Buttigieg is not only a terrible candidate for the labor class, but also a reasonably horrible human being - not that you'll really hear much about any of this in the media of course; the fact that he's young, gay and currently skullf*cking a "catchy" Panic At the Disco track to generate false enthusiasm at his campaign events, is pretty much as far as the corporate media's analysis is going to go when it comes to Mayo Pete.

This is unfortunate for the American voter because the Dollar Store Macron campaign has a serious problem that not only makes his campaign nonviable in the 2020 Democratic Party nomination contest, but could imperil his general election chances even if he somehow managed to win - Mayo Pete is currently polling below "raisins in potato salad" with African American voters; depending on which poll you examine, we're talking about a number between zero and one percent, literally.

Why? Well if you believe the insinuations of obtuse Buttigieg campaign spokesperson Lis Smith, it's because African American voters are homophobic; a narrative that even Dollar Store Macron himself has since (wisely) rejected:

Sharpton: 'We don't have an epidemic of homophobia' in the black community


Of course, that didn't stop the Buttigieg campaign from quietly leaking a focus group study that explicitly said Pete's sexuality is why black voters don't like him, back in October:

Buttigieg focus groups found being gay ‘a barrier’ for some black South Carolina voters

For a more accurate (and less "objectively racist") picture however, let's turn to The Intercept's Ryan Grim to study an example of the staggeringly tone-deaf, low-key racist way Mayor Pete has approached winning over African American voters in the run up to the 2020 Democratic Party primary season: 

The Problem with Pete Buttigieg's "Douglass Plan" for Black America

Whoa boy, so let's get unpack this for a moment here:

Mayo Pete, a man who is already haunted by anger over a court battle brought on by the South Bend, Indiana mayor's firing of a black police chief for recording his racist co-workers, and accusations of racist policies in his "model college town" of South Bend, is reaching out to black voters with a policy program named after cherished African American abolitionist Frederick Douglass - and amazingly enough, that's only strike one here.

Efforts to promote the Douglass Plan revolved around a published list of 400 prominent South Carolinians who were behind the plan, but this too demonstrated a willful attempt to mislead and deceive by the Buttigieg campaign. The list was represented as consisting of prominent African Americans, and yet almost half of the names on it were from white voters. The list also featured a cover letter that by use of the phrase “there is one presidential candidate who has proven to have intentional policies designed to make a difference in the Black experience, and that’s Pete Buttigieg” strongly implied the signers had endorsed Dollar Store Macron for the Democratic Party nomination; that wasn't true either - in fact, some of the "signers" worked for the Sanders campaign and others didn't even mean to endorse the Douglass Plan itself, let alone Mayo Pete.

When asked about this discrepancy directly the Buttigieg campaign offered up the wholly unserious answer that the so-called signers were sent an email encouraging them to "opt out" of endorsing the plan; you probably don't need me to tell you that this is absolutely *not* how endorsements work in American politics but as a side note, I'd like to point out that only a soulless cockroach McKinsey consultant would try to use the Columbia House Records scam to swindle endorsements from black leaders.

The final cherry on top of it all, and indeed the only part of this whole sad saga that received any significant amount of attention in the mainstream media at all, was that the Buttigieg campaign included a photo of a black woman who hadn't endorsed anything or anyone, had no connection to the campaign and had no idea why she'd been used in Dollar Store Macron's promotional material - because she's from Kenya. 

Pete Buttigieg says he was unaware that stock photo on his website depicted a Kenyan woman

And therein lies the crux of my argument and the definitive proof that the corporate "liberal" media is openly campaigning for anyone but Bernie in the 2020 Democratic Party nomination contest.

Imagine just for a moment the absolute righteous fury that would have consumed "liberal" mainstream pundits and influencers if it was Bernie Sanders who'd lied about African American endorsements to prop up his credentials with black voters? Imagine if it had been Bernie who'd responded with "Ma'am, I’m not asking for your vote" when confronted by a distraught African American voter about a police shooting of a young black man in the city he served as mayor? What if Bernie had started his political career by forcing out a black police chief on behalf of clearly racist cops inside the South Bend power structure?

Keep in mind that we're talking about the same guy here, Dollar Store Macron is responsible for all of these actions.

Frankly, you really don't even have to imagine - contrast the utter silence on Mayo Pete's (at best) obtuse honky nonsense, with the mainstream media dogpile Sanders was subjected to when he advised a young African American man to focus on not getting shot first, when pulled over by the police; after a question I won't describe as "unfair" but tragically, I cannot say there was a possible "good answer" for.

All throughout the 2016 primary process we were told by "Very Serious People TM" in the liberal media that African Americans, in particular black women, were the most important demographic in the electorate, and that a Democrat victory would not be possible in either 2016 or 2020 without the support of non-white voters. Specifically this narrative was used to hammer Bernie's campaign as supposedly "too white, and out of touch" or perhaps even outright racist - the last of which is absurd.

Now, today we find that the polling numbers show Sanders has*the* most diverse group of supporters, while pumped-up chosen "Bernie Slayers" like Elizabeth Warren and now Dollar Store Macron are driven by the same "too white, out of touch" voting demographic that supposedly rendered Bernie unelectable - and the response from the mainstream "liberal" media has been literally some combination of excuse-making apologia to go with complete and utter silence.

Of course none of that is to say that Dollar Store Macron hasn't been in the news; corporate "liberal" media in a America are falling all over themselves to type up a 255 respondent poll with dodgy methodology and an admitted 6.1% margin of error that shows Mayo Pete up an astounding +15% and leading New Hampshire - this of course pairs nicely with an equally dodgy recent poll from Iowa that once again showed Buttigieg leading, this time up by a mere (and implausible) +14%. Even that coverage demonstrates a considerable amount of bias; after all the media is hardly mentioning that Pete is dropping a massive amount of money to try to win one of these two (mostly white) "First in the Nation" primaries, or that if he doesn't win at least one of them the puffed up narrative (again aided by this same "liberal" media) surrounding his presidential aspirations is going to look like a pathetic punchline - instead, the corporate media would rather continue to attack Bernie Sanders.

Like all truly good lies however, there was a tiny bit of truth in the mainstream media's smearing of the Sanders campaign - it is in fact awfully hard to win a national election as a Democrat with only white voters, and doubly hard to win a Democratic Party nomination contest by that same measure; the trick is that this isn't a problem for Bernie (who appeals to young people and women especially across all demographics) it's a problem for candidates like Mayo Pete and Pow Wow Chow Liz Warren.

Furthermore, if one presupposes that most of the people reading this are in fact not racists and would prefer to live in a word where the fight against racism is undertaken seriously, the fact that the liberal media cynically used cries of racism to burn down the Sanders campaign, but has hardly chirped a note about the kind of cracker nonsense Mayo Pete's campaign is engaging in, represents a troubling continuation of longstanding enabling of structural racism by affluent liberals and Democrats.

The truth here is that no matter how hard the so-called "liberal" mainstream media in America tries to shove Mayo Pete into the spotlight and generate a plausible theory by which he can become president, Dollar Store Macron isn't going to win the 2020 Dem Party nomination contest - and it's not because he's gay, or because black people aren't thankful enough for his casual displays of obtuse racism; it's because he f*cking sucks as acandidate and bougie "liberal" pundits are getting desperate.

- Nina Illingworth

Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus.

You can find my work at, Can’t You Read, Media Madness and my Patreon Blog.

Updates available on Twitter, Mastodon and Facebook.

Chat with fellow readers online at Anarcho Nina Writes on Discord


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Article Analysis: the Bernie Blackout is Very Real

Editor's note: this article originally appeared November 19th, 2019 on my Facebook page - if you're looking for source materials, check out the comments section of the original article. For my latest book review "Why You Should Read Thomas Frank", please click here.

MSNBC Is the Most Influential Network Among Liberals: And It’s Ignoring Bernie Sanders

In today's edition of our ongoing article analysis feature, we're going to take a look at what I personally feel may be the most important piece of political media analysis released so far in the 2020 Democratic Party nomination cycle.

Throughout this nomination contest and the last Democratic Party primary season in 2016, supporters of the Democratic Socialist Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders have argued that mainstream corporate media in America has not only purposely avoided covering the Sanders campaign but what coverage they have offered has been dishonest, disingenuous and highly slanted towards negative (and often erroneous) conclusions about Bernie, his supporters and his campaign.

Well, if this November 13th, 2019 article about MSNBC's Democratic Party primary coverage by Branko Marcetic over at In These Times is indicative of the larger industry, it's now empirically possible to say Sanders supporters are *right* about the #BernieBlackout and it is instead the establishment media minions who called their complaints a "conspiracy theory" who now have some explaining to do.

Drawing on the tradition of extremely granular media analysis popularized by books like Manufacturing Consent and to a lesser degree, data science websites like FiveThirtyEight, Marcetic conducts a detailed examination of extremely blatant biases in MSNBC's coverage of the three leading Democratic Party nomination candidates in August and September across the network's top six prime time political shows; those three candidates of course being Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

As will likely come as no surprise to astute political media observers in America, it turns out that not only do MSNBC's top political analysts talk about Bernie Sanders less than Elizabeth Warren and far less than Joe Biden, but also that coverage of Bernie Sanders on MSNBC's flagship shows is far more likely to be negative than that of the other two candidates - which is pretty remarkable when you realize that one of the two months In These Times looked at featured a very real Joe and Hunter Biden corruption scandal that ties into the ongoing Trump impeachment and has itself driven an infinite number of whackjob Republican-endorsed conspiracy theories in what passes for the "mainstream" right wing media these days.

What really separates Marcetic's analysis in this article from the work of "data guys" like Nate Silver however, is his deep drilling into the specifics of MSNBC's coverage above and beyond the raw numbers to examine precisely *what* the network is saying about each of the three candidates, and the picture is not pretty. Far from a mere bias against Sanders, these clip by clip and argument by argument examples demonstrate that as a whole MSNBC's flagship political shows, their hosts and the vast majority of their guest pundits are actively campaigning against Bernie Sanders. Of course while that conclusion may not come as much of a shock to American leftists, it bears noting here that just a few months ago virtually every corporate media outlet in America accused the Sanders campaign of propagating Trumpian conspiracy theories when the Senator from Vermont had the audacity to suggest he and his supporters weren't getting a fair shake in the mainstream "liberal" media.

With meticulous attention to detail, Marcetic has logged numerous smears, misrepresentations and at times, even outright falsehoods disseminated in the network's war against Bernie, all the while pointing out key gaps in the coverage of any news events that could be perceived as somehow positive for the Sanders campaign. Perhaps even more alarmingly, this In These Times investigation clearly demonstrates that in MSNBC's quest to shut out Sanders and draw Liz Warren to the center, the network has largely abandoned coverage of policy proposals, agenda statements or action plans presented by literally *any* of the candidates whatsoever - as far as the network is concerned, this election is about an endless wave of breaking primary polls and while they're happy to inform you that Liz Warren "has a plan for that" they apparently have no intention of telling you what that plan might be.

The simple truth is that this is the "16 negative articles about Bernie Sanders in 16 hours on the Washington Post webpage" of the 2020 nomination cycle and unfortunately it appears to have slipped under the radar because mainstream media has no interest in sharing coverage from a nominally left wing media organization like In These Times.

Naturally there will be those who complain about the narrow scope of the study, and point to what they feel is "equally slanted" coverage in left wing publications like Jacobin, or Current Affairs but as Marcetic's data demonstrates, these people are being largely disingenuous. The numbers don't lie and MSNBC not only has a dominant hold on the liberal cable news market, but the network is particularly influential with age sixty-five and older viewers who are far more likely to vote in primaries than any other age demographic.

Due to its size and ubiquity in the public discourse, MSNBC is driving national opinions about the 2020 Democratic Party nomination contest on a scale that dwarfs every outlet the American left has to access that same discourse - and the network is openly and demonstrably driving those opinions against Bernie Sanders. Try to keep that in mind the next time Chris Mathews wants to lecture you on the need to respect your elders in the party or Larry O'Donnell has opinions to share on the importance of a "free and *fair* press."

As even famous American author Ernest Hemingway eventually learned while trying to avoid relentless CIA harassment during his retirement in Cuba - it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.

- nina Illingworth

Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus.

You can find my work at, Can’t You Read, Media Madness and my Patreon Blog.

Updates available on Twitter, Mastodon and Facebook.

Chat with fellow readers online at Anarcho Nina Writes on Discord


Friday, November 15, 2019

Matthew Yglesias is a Disingenuous Bootlicker

Editor's note: frankly I'm not entirely sure how I ended up writing an entire essay in response to a single Matthew Yglesias tweet; what I can say is that this article started out as a Mastodon thread that got too long - please forgive me in advance if it's a little choppier than normal, Yiggy certainly brings out the rage poster in me on a semi-regular basis. 

Readers searching for recent examples of my regular writing are encouraged to check out the November 12th edition of The Skinny and my most recent theory discussion "A Working Definition of Neofeudalism."


How much can you really say in a single tweet? It turns out that if you're a high-profile Vox blogger posing a journalist, the answer a lot. 

Today we're going to be re-examining on an issue I've discussed in the past; primarily because the crushing inhuman technocratic nature of noted Vox brain genius Matty Yglesias has made this topic relevant again and I think its importance is self-evident. Ready? Alright, let’s talk about "how to attract "red state" voters without doing bigotry and discrimination.

First let's take a look at the mindbogglingly awful and disingenuous tweet that sparked this discussion, published by Vox editor, contributor and co-founder Mathew Yglesias on November 13th, 2019 at 6:32 PM:

I'm not going to waste a whole lot of time addressing Yglesias's disingenuous whining about Twitter mobs, the myopic "pragmatism" that made him believe his statements wouldn't actually count as an "unpopular" opinion in light of his (and his company's) leftward shift post-2016, or the fact that Matty is genuinely an inhuman, soulless monster -  the guys over at "Et tu, Mr. Destructo?" featured the definitive deconstruction of Yiggy's machine brain repugnance a long time ago:

Destructo Salon: Does Matthew Yglesias Enjoy Murder?

What I would like to talk about however is the fact that despite (or perhaps, because of) his Harvard education, big-brained boy wonder Matty Yglesias is completely f*cking wrong about how to win back Senate seats currently held by the GOP and in fact, there's actually a pretty damn good chance he *knows* that he's wrong and is just trying to manipulate you on behalf of what passes for an elite political-media class in the United States.

Unfortunately, explaining precisely why Yiggy is either wrong, lying or some perverse combination of both is a multi-stage process that requires cutting through Matty's false pragmatism; bear with me while I unpack this by examining the assumptions and implications behind Yglesias's argument.

First and foremost it must be noted that despite the author's mocking tone about "complaining" the GOP is in fact "an anti-democratic menace to the basic rule of law" and they do control the Senate.

Secondly, we know (or at least can infer) that when Yiglesias talks about "concessions to conservative cultural views" he actually means social issues that don't mean much to affluent white pundits, but drastically affect inequality in society - things like women's reproductive rights, addressing racialized police violence, equal rights for LGBT people, migrant deportations, whether or not 17 year old kids in bike helmets who protest against fascism should be shipped to Gitmo as terrorists, etc.

In other words, and as many others have pointed out already, Matty Yglesias is suggesting that Democrats toss marginalized people who (when you include, I dunno, all women) make up the majority of the party's base, under the bus - ostensibly in order to recapture the Senate from the GOP and stop them from torching the Constitution and obliterating the beloved "checks, balances, norms and standards" liberal elites fetishize even though such ideas have done nothing at all to stop Trump (or Bush before him.)

Older readers will of course recognize the "logic" behind Matty's tweet from the era of Clintonian "triangulation" and anyone who hasn't been living under a rock for the past eleven years will detect the strong odor of neoliberal worship of "bipartisan compromise" -- which is typically coded language for "screwing over our labor class base on behalf of rich people almost as badly as the Republicans would and then calling it progress."

Of course typically liberal "thought leaders" will suggest capitulating to the GOP on economic issues to preserve progress on social inequality issues; before ultimately knifing those marginalized people anyway and furthering the Democratic Party's seemingly ceaseless shift to the right (for just two examples, see Bill Clinton's 1994 crime bill, or the record number of migrant deportations undertaken under Obama's administration) - Matty however, ever the bold pragmatist, says the quiet part out loud.

As to which "concessions" to "conservative cultural views" must be adopted, and which groups of effectively trapped Democratic Party supporters must be abandoned, Yglesias has little to offer. Presumably we stubborn fools can infer however that if we just toss some carefully calculated combination teenage school shooting victims, athletes who protest racial injustice and trans folks who have to use the bathroom to the wolves, a Democrat majority Senate that stops GOP fascism is within reach.

Now the most obvious problem here is that everything Yglesias is suggesting is selfish, appalling and morally wrong. Since a significant number of other commentators have already covered that topic in detail however, I'm going to simply remind folks that it's pretty easy for Matty to bloodlessly suggest offering "concessions to conservative cultural views" when absolutely none of those concessions would affect him or anyone in his social circle, in any significant way. In other words Matthew Yiglesias is hot garbage and so is his tweet.

More importantly however, there is absolutely no evidence that the strategy Matty is suggesting would work, or for that matter has ever worked. Contrary to Chuck Schumer's prediction, the Democrats did not pick up "moderate Republicans" by running a pragmatic triangulating neoliberal like Hillary Clinton in 2016. In the two previous elections, Barrack Obama won by promising hope and change even if he delivered far more of the first, than the latter - not by conceding "conservative cultural issues."

Frankly, even the supposed "holy grail" of neoliberal triangulation (the two elections won by Bill Clinton in the 90's) may have had a lot more to do with running against stiff, aging and openly despised white plutocrats (George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole respectively) than Clinton's mythical appeal to a "white working class voter" he openly betrayed - just as quickly and easily as he also betrayed the Democratic Party's African American voters with racialized mass incarceration, bank deregulation and austerity measures.

This stands to reason of course because adopting "culturally conservative" positions typically has the unfortunate side effect of encouraging marginalized people you're feeding to the sharks not to vote for you, while alternately it's pretty much impossible for a Democratic Party politician to successfully out-perform a "red state" Republican if all either of them are really offering is different flavors of racism, bigotry and discrimination - although some (Joe Manchin) have certainly tried.

Looking at recent examples of this strategy in relation specifically to the U.S. Senate, it seems pretty clear that for every narrow Doug Jones victory in Alabama over a widely-despised child molester, there's a Claire McCaskill or Heidi Heitkamp loss to wholly unremarkable GOP candidates because it's pretty much impossible to beat outrage, apathy and voter suppression in the long term by out-sh*tlording the kind of professional revanchist loon the GOP churns out for Senate races on the regular.

In other words, there's no demonstrable reason to believe that tossing marginalized people under the bus is going to give the Democrats control of the Senate, so it really doesn't matter how urgent and important the reason Matty wants the Democratic Party to get in touch with its cracker side is - although it certainly is important to retake the Senate; it's very hard to imagine Mitch McConnell ever voting to stop Republican corruption, criminality or cruelty so long as he's running the Senate majority.

Yglesias of course knows all of this and has written numerous articles discussing not only the devastating toll of adopting these "conservative cultural views" as policy, but also the numerous ways in which the Democratic Party makes it easier for the GOP to win elections - from failing to properly fight voter suppression to abandoning issues that matter to labor class voters across a broad spectrum of demographic groups.

So why is he telling you to go right on social issues to win the Senate?

The obvious answer to that question is because Matty Yglesias is a dead-eyed elitist maggot piece of dogsh*t who maintains a sycophantic relationship with centrist power in America.

As I've written many times and numerous polls bear out, the way to flip so-called "red state" voters is to offer them broadly popular programs and policies that materially improve their existence - as evidenced by Bernie Sanders' ability to easily win over Fox News audiences by explaining his Medicare for All plans.

Look, the fact of the matter is that in a barely-concealed white supremacist, openly patriarchal country like America, a significantly massive portion of the voting population is going to be at least a little bit reactionary, but it does not automatically follow that "red state" voters value "conservative cultural views" more than they value a living wage, ending the forever wars for oil, and not fishing their kid out of the morgue because there was no funding for opioid addiction programs.

Are there some people for whom gun rights, structural racism and treating women like baby ovens are more important than wages, healthcare and surviving a rapidly escalating, global mass extinction event? Sure, we call them "lifelong Republicans" and they're neither a majority of voters, nor particularly likely to vote for a Democrat no matter how many "conservative cultural views" that candidate makes concessions to - half these folks genuinely believe liberalism should be outlawed; they're fascists.

For the majority of voters however, even white voters in battleground states, debt relief, good jobs and free healthcare are far better incentives to vote Democrat in Senate elections than meek acquiescence to inequality, revanchism and fundamentalist rule - as an added side bonus, none of these economically populist policies are going to drive away minority voting demographics because surprise, economic justice helps marginalized voters too!

This is how you build the kind of broad-based voter coalitions that can carry Democrats to power in vital swing states as well as peeling off GOP voters over time in traditionally "red states" simultaneously.

Furthermore, Matty Yglesias knows all of this - he's seen the polling, he knows that a left wing populist economic platform (like Bernie's) is wildly popular across a broad enough spectrum to crush the GOP in the Senate or for that matter, anywhere else in the halls of American power.

Yiggy simply doesn't care because the kind of elite (often liberal) capitalist who'd have to start paying their fair share in taxes to fund those types of programs, explicitly *pays* Matty not to care and to employ all of his dark powers of rhetoric to convince you not to care. Does Yiggy actually want to stop the GOP from burning the American political system to the ground? Sure, but only if it can be done without harming billionaires and elite Dem Party donors - otherwise, forget it kiddo.

This isn't strategy, it isn't pragmatism and Matty Yglesias isn't your friend; if labor class Americans want to stop the GOP in the Senate, the solution is to dump soulless myopic pundit-class remoras like Yiggy, not our commitment to justice, equality and the separation of church and state.

If Yglesias wants to make himself into a meme, that's his business - but don't let rich, greedy liberal influencers convince you that "being a bit more racist" is a winning game plan against the fascist creep.


- Nina Illingworth

Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus.

You can find my work at, Can’t You Read, Media Madness and my Patreon Blog.

Updates available on Twitter, Mastodon and Facebook.

Chat with fellow readers online at Anarcho Nina Writes on Discord!