Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Great Moments in Media Muppetry: Rupar Loses the Plot


Author's note: back in the early portions of 2016 (when America was still feeling its way through covert fascism, and hadn't quite gotten around to embracing overt fascism yet), I used to publish the occasional social media takedown piece or muppet evisceration, including a special Wall of Shame for the notably odious propagandists working in mainstream corporate media. 

While these posts were (mostly) fun to write, the truth is that they involved a lot of busy work and ultimately, I would go on to find better uses of my time. Despite this realization however, it has for years continued to gnaw on me that these ridiculous minions and stenographers can so easily get away with saying literally the most obtuse, crass bullsh*t online and due to the ideological slant of mainstream corporate media (Fox and Sinclair excepted for reasons of "open fascism") nobody is ever going to even remember their asinine gaffes, let alone call them out on it. And that sucks.

Unfortunately, I simply don't have the kind of time or energy for tracking the full careers of neoliberal media lackeys and their foibles that I used to - but I'm always searching for short, blog-style posts and this smells like an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. So what I'm going to do is start (sporadically) blogging about the dumb sh*t (mostly, but not exclusively) liberal propagandists say online, one disingenuous sh*t-puppet moment at a time. I'll include a screenshot, a bit of background on the writer and if necessary contextualize why what they just typed for all the world to see is absurd nonsense and f*ckery. 

Naturally these posts will be no means be intended to be all encompassing but if I can in some small way contribute to warning the public about blue-checkmark assclowns on their Twitter feeds before they develop an emotional investment in faux-progressive, centrist politics - I feel like the (minimal) effort involved will be worth it.

Rupar Loses the Plot

So, I thought we'd start off this series by splashing around in the shallow end of Twitter for a hot minute and take a look at the social media feed of Aaron Rupar, who I've been assured is something called a "viral video guru" over at Vox (a "liberal" blogging-style company that ultimately traces much of its funding back to Comcast.) Despite being an obvious sh*tlib muppet, Aaron is often retweeted on nominally left-wing Twitter feeds and has staked out a claim as a rising star in the online liberal hack industry; primarily by engaging in the undoubtedly Herculean task of.. um, watching Fox News all day and reposting clips of dumb crap Trump or fascist network minions say into a live camera. 

Don't get me wrong, Rupar isn't a total maggot; if nothing else his contributions to mocking cracker fascist loudspeakers like Tucker Carlson make him slightly more useful than flaming dog poop in a bag, but only slightly. With the low-hanging fruit of a fascist like Trump slowly fading into the background however, it seems clear that Rupar's services are now being directed towards defending the mainstream Democratic Party establishment at all costs - including this tweet attacking (more) lefty writer David Dayen to defend one of Biden's cabinet nominees:

In terms of context here, there's really not a whole lot to add; nothing Dayen said, or Prospect published about Antony Blinken was untrue, or out of line - Blinken is in fact a corpse merchant scum-sucking lobbyist and an objectively terrible choice for Secretary of State, particularly if you're not a big fan of Israeli apartheid and the slow genocide of Palestinians. Furthermore, as many sh*tposters on Twitter were quick to point out, the vast majority of people in American society manage to make their way in private sector life without trading on their high-level government contacts in the world of arms sales and police state surveillance. While this is obviously slightly less crass, Aaron's tweet certainly calls to mind the vigorous defense of former President Obama's right to profit off protecting criminals on Wall Street with post-presidency speaking appearances because "rich white guys do it all the time" or something; although Rupar unquestionably lacks the artistry of a lackey propagandist like Trevor Noah for example. 

In the end, and for all of its staggering headassery - the tweet itself is simply rather droll; in addition to being fundamentally disingenuous. If anything, the most interesting thing about Rupar's keyboard fart here is that there's a non-zero percent chance he was trying and utterly failing to obliquely reference either the "we live in a society" meme, or a popular anti-capitalist cartoon by Matt Bors. Or maybe not, maybe Rupar is just a boot-licking assclown who legitimately thought he'd get away with this half assed dunk; based on the overall quality of his Twitter feed, it's impossible to rule out either conclusion. 

One thing we can say for certain however is that Aaron Rupar and his weak-assed attempt at throwing shade on a better journalist to protect imperial power, is now a "great moment in media muppetry" for all time - or until they make me delete this blog ahead of my show trial.

- nina illingworth

Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus. Please help me fight corporate censorship by sharing my articles with your friends online!

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“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”

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