Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Nina-Bytes: Trainspotting in the Heart of the Pig Empire


Editor's noteNina-Bytes is a weekday blogging series that features short analysis and commentary on articles from around the web.


"Total Asymmetric Warfare" - Georgia GOP Redraws Political Map as US Senate Dems Do Nothing

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if a whole society caught "deer in headlights" syndrome? Yeah, me neither; until I started living it. After Joe Biden's election victory and inauguration, I (and many other observers) warned that with, or without Downmarket Mussolini, American fascism as embodied by the Republican Party, was just getting warmed up. As the forces of reaction seek to intimidate political opponents into submission and force the system to warp around fascist conspiracy theories, we have been proven largely correct. Now we're seeing the poisonous fruits of a longstanding, yet entirely exposed GOP plot to rig the next decade's worth of elections, inside the context of a fascist political takeover being conducted by folks who seemingly regard any vote against them, as foundationally illegitimate. 

In this November 23rd, 2021 article by Jessica Corbett over on Common Dreams, we go inside GOP attempts to effectively disenfranchise perhaps millions of predominantly minority voters through the magic of gerrymandering; the art of ensuring all the people who won't vote for cracker supremacists are jammed into the same voting districts. This is of course in addition to other ways the fascist Republican Party is working to rig the next election cycle; including threatening their political opponents until they quit, offering bounties for evidence of presupposed voter fraud, and just downright making it as hard as possible for poor and marginalized people to vote against them.

Now you might be tempted to assume that the ostensible opposition to the fascist party in American politics, the Democrats, would be working night and day to solve this problem; after all, even if they couldn't give a rat's backside about folks living under the threat of fascist violence, this could affect their own political careers in a very direct way. As the article and voting rights observer Ari Berman noted however, you'd be wrong:


"It’s beyond enraging that Manchin and Sinema continue to say voting rights legislation needs 60 votes when GOP is rigging elections and shutting Democrats out of power for next decade on simple majority party-line votes. Total asymmetric warfare."


Yes, you heard that correctly; literal fascists who at least pretend to believe Trump's "big lie" are about to rig the next decade's worth of elections because two corrupt as f*ck Democratic Party Senators are being bribed to, among other things, keep the filibuster intact. This in turn has allowed the GOP to repeatedly block measures that would at least help secure voting rights, including the For the People ActFreedom to Vote Act, and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act; despite Joe Machin's clown-shoes attempts at bipartisanship and appeasement. Please keep in mind that none of this is any sort of secret, and neither is the fact that corporate America is playing both sides of the battle against the fascist creep; some folks who know Trump well are already promising a second Herr Donald presidency would come with reprisals against his enemies.

This, at the end of the day, is what I mean when I talk to you about Weimar America. It's not so much a set of historical circumstances shared between interwar Germany and modern America, as it is a social ethos built around exceptionalism and liberal capitalist norms, that leads to a seemingly inevitable, and wholly predictable surrender to fascism. Right now, it feels like most of the country knows full damn well that the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train full of nazis; the question then becomes, is anyone going to do anything to stop the carnage that's about to ensue, at all? Clearly, if you're asking the corporate liberal establishment, the answer to that question is ultimately "no," and history says that course of (in)action, has consequences.

nina illingworth

Anarcho-syndicalist writer, critic, and analyst. 

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“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”


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