Thursday, September 8, 2016

Info-Meme of the Week: No Record, No Crime

Editor’s Note: after days and days on end of typing essays, I decided to take a short break and throw together another Info-Meme of the Week to help the mainstream media do the job they clearly lost interest in years ago.

The plan here is to take a look at one issue or scandal largely being misreported in the media in the form of a single, easy-to-share meme that’s backed up by a few verifiable sources underneath the photo. No fuss, no pontificating pinko blogger telling you what this might all mean – just the facts, in one quick snapshot you can show your barely-literate roommates to force them to stop repeating mainstream media deceptions. Today’s topic is the curious case of a corrupt candidate who keeps accidentally destroying federal records over and over again throughout her staggeringly long career:

Read the rest of the article on now...

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