Thursday, December 24, 2020

Film Sessions: Is "Big Government" Really the Problem? from the Gravel Institute with Briahna Joy Gray


Editor's note: as I explained in my last post, Facebook might be bringing the hammer down on my low-key anarchist page and I don't want to lose my weekly film sessions, so I'm transferring all of them over here to Media Madness.

Today's post originally appeared on my Facebook Page on September 29th, 2020.


Ok so way back, I was doing my best to share a bunch of short, almost introduction to left wing thought type videos and unfortunately after a while, I just started running out of videos to share - there's clearly millions more dollars in doing this for the right/fascists, so there just aren't that many people out there creating these kinds of videos. I kind of like *some* of the stuff from say for example, Innuendo Studios - but that stuff also comes with a clear, pro-liberal bias that in my mind, tends to turn people who're actually LEFT WING off quite a bit.

Anyway, as it turns out someone else finally realized this was an important niche that needed to be filled - specifically the Gravel Institute teens from the primary contest.

Now to be clear, I'm not endorsing these folks and I'm not promising you the videos I'm going to share are going to blow your mind; if you're been reading my work, there's a pretty good chance a lot of them will seem very "basic" or rudimentary. The fact is though, this stuff isn't actually old hat for most Americans/people living in the Pig Empire and a detailed discussion about say, the fascist call to fantasy, can seem on the surface to have NO CONNECTION to their material existence.

There needs to be an entry point, a gateway, a "my little leftism" primer and it needs to be so short that watching it doesn't feel like work. And you need to be able to save these bursts of educational content to share with people who aren't plugged in, at a moment's notice - "hey you got five minutes, this video explains the issue really well." The Gravel teens have stepped into that void and so far, I really like what I'm seeing.

Today I'm going to post their first Five Minute Feature - "Is Big Government Really the Problem?" Please keep in mind this is not my content, I have absolutely nothing to do with the creation of these videos and I'm not trying to sell you on donating to anyone's political action committee or grassroots media organization - but this is a weapon we can use to educate our people, and I'm all about showing folks those weapons, so I could not resist the opportunity to share this with you today.

As always, YMMV and one way, or another - the future is left.

Is "Big Government" Really the Problem?

Additional Resources

The Gravel Institute Youtube Channel

Briahna Joy Gray Wikipedia Page

- nina illingworth

Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus. Please help me fight corporate censorship by sharing my articles with your friends online!

You can find my work at ninaillingworth.comCan’t You ReadMedia Madness and my Patreon Blog

Updates available on TwitterInstagramMastodon and Facebook. Podcast at “No Fugazi” on Soundcloud.

Inquiries and requests to speak to the manager @ASNinaWrites

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“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”

1 comment:

  1. You can find the Youtube channel for The Gravel Institute videos here:
